Associate Member


3464 North Airport Rd
Saint Johns, MI 48879

Call 517.449.2635

  Richard Cook CBA, CMR

Richard Cook - Your NORMI Trained Pro


Higher Standards... Higher Client Satisfaction
Many states are considering regulations regarding mold professionals licensing and NORMI is in the forefront of that legislation to help protect the public and the trade without jeopardizing business growth. Sound, reasonable regulations become a solid foundation on which well-trained professionals can operate their businesses with success and credibility. We have successfully completed training and the certification process in our specific area of expertise. The NORMI Code of Ethics evidences the NORMI Board of Directors interest in establishing a clear mission and set of values to which the professionals ascribe.


We have assembled some of the most informative articles relating to mold detection and removal, air and water purification, and whatever else.

Don't forget to participate in our surveys!



Realizing that our nation's indoor air environments and drinking water sources are at risk, NORMI is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the indoor living environment through educating the public and training professionals to identify problems and offer solutions to improve indoor air and drinking water quality.


Green Products

Introducing products that support the concept of assessing environments and then matching solutions to the problems found in that environment. We have been trained to offer solutions that are wholistic in nature, safe for the environment and that solve the problems found in a specific environment.


PerfectFit Filter

The PerfectFit Filter is the latest innovation in a 1" filter. It IS a better mouse trap because it provides for NO blow-by, NO microbial growth, NO cardboard for mold to eat and is just as inexpensive as the filters at your local big box store.
All sizes are available.
